Zeke and Lefthand have one hard working American Bad ass on the show in Garett Bischoff. He is well known as a wrestler for TNA
Tag: glock
TLP 067 – NRA Annual Meetings Part 1
First part of some really awesome interviews to come over the next week or so. This one has Bon from Fight Soap and Chaz the
TLP 065 – Heroes Behind the Badge Event Part 1
Zeke and Lefthand go to Lebanon, Tn to help with a Fraternal Order of Police fundraiser and the showing of the movie Heroes Behind the
TLP 064 – Riding Tornados with Savoy Leather
We have a double dipping of awesomeness show up to the Talking Leadquarters this week when Jeremiah Savoy of Savoy Leather, and Matt Powell of
TLP 063 – Operatorrific
Zeke and Lefthand have former Army Ranger Mat Best on from the YouTube channel Mbest11x and ART-15 clothing. We discuss everything from the How to
TLP 062 – Pride Integrity and Guts
The guys go to a police station…..no not like that. They interview Detective Jay Spicer and David Stolinsky about the upcoming Fraternal Order of Police
TLP 061 – Firearms and First Downs
Zeke and Lefthand have the Arena Football League’s San Antonio Talon quarterback, Mitch Mustain on the show to talk about his passion for firearms, the
TLP 060 – Adam Pini Meets a Sasquatch
In this episode we have Adam Pini from LWRC come talk to the guys about the company and a lot of the cool rifles they
TLP 058 – A Leaducation on Mispronunciation
Its Ladies night again on Talking Lead as Zeke and Lefthand have Britney Starr on to talk about the main subject misused and mispronounced words
TLP 057 – Guns as Currency and Amber Lamps
We have Andre and Kenny from Next Level Readiness in to talk about everything from services, using guns to get cool stuff, and preparing for