In this episode of the Talking Lead Podcast we talk sharp, pointy, slashy, stabby things…Knives! Custom blade maker Jerod Johnson owner of STA Blades out
Leadcasts (Podcasts)
Talking Lead 496 – Brad Thor: DEAD FALL
On this episode of Talking Lead: The God of Political-Action-Thriller-Thunder, Brad Thor joins the show to talk about his next #1 best selling novel, DEAD
Talking Lead 495 – AK KORNER S5 Ep6: Reliability of AK-47/74 Ammunition
In this episode of the Talking Lead AK KORNER we give the answer to the Trivia Giveaway question from May’s AK KORNER. “What is it
Talking Lead 494 – Exotic Deer Hunt & Dirty Pirate Hooker Tricks
In this episode of the Talking Lead Podcast Lefty is joined by Ton Jones, star of Auction Hunters and Director of R&D for Airforce Airguns.
Talking Lead 493 – Ed Brown Products; CAA USA; Tactical Response & EOTECH
Happy Independence Day Lead Heads! In this Talking Lead episode Lefty gives you plenty of content to get you through your 4th Of July pre
4Patriots – We Champion Freedom & Self-Reliance
Imagine a world where you wake up one day to find benefits like Social Security, Medicare and veterans’ assistance have vanished, the economy is in
Talking Lead 492 – Valiant Dynamics: EvolvR Combat Stock
In this episode of the Talking Lead Podcast: Valiant Dynamics tells us about their EvolvR Combat Stock. Charlie and Todd explain how the EvolvR was
Talking Lead 491: AK KORNER 5-5 Romanian AKM
In this episode of the Talking Lead AK KORNER Season 5: The Romanian AK. Our expert guests: Joe Meaux with Aklys Defense, Marco Vorobiev (Author,
Talking Lead 490 – John Wick’s Shotgun, Dead Ringer Flash Hider & Pyramyd Air
In this episode of the Talking Lead Podcast: Lefty has Genesis Arms (Teodor & Cody) on to talk about the TTI Dracarys Gen-12 (a collaboration
Talking Lead 489 – 3D Printed Silencers; Bacon Vodka & SHOOTAH
In this episode of the Talking Lead Podcast: SHOOTAH creators Jason and Tyler join Lefty and Evan to give an after action report on this