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ParticipantI have a question: I know most situations don’t rise to the level of deadly force, but that leaves us with nothing in too many cases, for instance, somebody snatches a tablet and runs – not a deadly force sitch, but SOMETHING should be done. Here’s the question: are rubber bullets a viable tool for civilians? I tried to find some for purchase on the Internet, but it didn’t look like there is a practical concealable rubber bullet gun available. Should this be an area for development?
ParticipantIn response to Aescgar and MylesK, in Texas, concealment means a casual observer doesn’t know from a cursory look that you probably are carrying a firearm. Concealment involves compromise. The deeper the concealment, the more difficult it will likely be to get the weapon out rapidly, but again, you maintain the element of surprise. Concealment is like the Christmas present of a football just wrapped in paper. Who doesn’t know what that is before opening it? Printing is like that. If you have a big gun-shaped bulge on your right hip with the handle poking your shirt out, that’s not really concealed, just covered. I carry a compact, medium sized pistol with a double-stack mag in an Old Faithful IWB holder in about the 4:30 – 5:00 position. Shirts naturally have a blousing effect in back and concealment is enhanced if I wear a plaid and/or dark shirt. I bought some polymer holster loops from so the metal clips that used to tear up my car seat and couch are replaced. This rig works for me and I hope this comment helps you.
ParticipantWill carrying a SIRT training aid in an open holster help the Open Carry Texas movement? I intend to get LASR software and a webcam, laser plinking cans and either a laser bullet for my Sig or a SIRT. Maybe both (bullet and training pistol). This way I can practice at home very cheaply and frequently. Thanks guys.