Lead Head Jerome

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  • in reply to: GUNS! in Movies and TV #667
    Lead Head Jerome

    One of my favorites, is new to me. I love the author Robert B Parker, but all I’d ever known was his Western novels. When I came across a book of his with the same name of a movie, I had to check out the movie.

    Jesse Stone: Night Passage (2006) Based on R. B. Parker’s first Jesse Stone book of the same name. Starring Tom Selleck, this film is about a Cop who is fired and moves cross country to take another job.

    Selleck, being a member of the NRA, really makes sure this movie sticks to the rules of the gun game. He pulls his gun many times, and Never puts his finger on the triger until he has to pull it. Even pointing out, in the movie, to another officer to not just stand there and pull the trigger, but to movie; a technique I first heard from Rob Pincus.

    I gave the movie a 7 out of 10
    I gave the good gun exposure a 10 out of 10


    • This reply was modified 10 years, 11 months ago by Lead Head Jerome. Reason: Link not showing up
    in reply to: Interesting Articles/News #526
    Lead Head Jerome

    What is MOA?
    Here is a good article breaking it down.


    in reply to: Online Guns and Gear Great Buys Are At…? #376
    Lead Head Jerome
    in reply to: AR Builds #277
    Lead Head Jerome

    OH, and you can’t forget the M&M or Skittles dispenser.

    in reply to: Firearms Free-for-all #270
    Lead Head Jerome

    Here is a Newbie gun question. My Dad’s favorite gun when he was a hunter was a Springfield .30-06. His was a simple bolt action rifle.
    I know that the round is a powerful round. Do they make a .30-06 ‘assault’ semi auto rifle? In an AR style maybe?

    in reply to: AR Builds #269
    Lead Head Jerome

    Ok @Lefthand. Where are you on the progress of this build. Give us some pictures.

    in reply to: Question about FumbDucks #268
    Lead Head Jerome

    I just don’t think logical and rational thinking would work on him and his kind.

    in reply to: Listener/Viewer Suggestions #241
    Lead Head Jerome

    ^ That’s annoying.

    in reply to: General Feedback #233
    Lead Head Jerome

    Episode Idea:

    SBR vs LBR vs Carbine: The low down. What’s real difference between them; technically, legally and ballistically.

    in reply to: Question about FumbDucks #230
    Lead Head Jerome

    Since we’re on the topic of Fumb Duck, I feel like ranting…

    Almost nobody pisses me off more, with the exception of POTUS, then Piers Morgan. HE continually states,

    No one has given me a coherent argument as to why would citizens need an AR-15 or other assault rifles.

    G** d*mn it Piers, just the f**k up and listen. There have been plenty of coherent reasons given, you’re just too d*mn busy interrupting people as they are talking to hear it…that and you just damn well don’t want to hear it. I wished I could go on Piers Morgan Live and debate him on the issue.
    1: What you call an assault rifle, AR15, is NOT by definition an assault rifle…it is NOT a automatic or select fire weapon and therefore doesn’t qualify as an assault rifle.
    2: The 2nd Amendment gives me the right to own a semi auto rifle, i.e. AR15; or even a select fire weapon, i.e. M16. It empowers me to defend this country from all threats foreign and domestic. And to stop tyranny from criminals or Government alike.

    Piers has also stated many times,

    If it came down to it, how do you expect to stand up against the US Armed forced? They have Machine guns, tanks, bombs, nukes?

    To that I say:
    That’s why I need my semi auto guns and my select fire guns. TO defend. I mean, just because we’re out numbered and overpowered doesn’t mean we should just lay down and be walked all over. Just because the odds are against us means, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t fight for our rights, beliefs and country.
    NOT, that I think our troops would stand against the American people (although it HAS happened http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kent_State_shootings). But, think of it this way. EVERY revolution in history has been a weaker force standing up to an overbearing stronger force. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn’t. The American Revolutionary war for example was a handful of farmers, tradesmen, laborers banding together to stand up against, the then, largest strongest army in the world. And they won. They then wrote the Constitution and Bill of Rights, to make sure, the people didn’t have to worry about an overbearing Government again.

    in reply to: Firearms Free-for-all #228
    Lead Head Jerome

    I feel like ranting…

    Almost nobody pisses me off more, with the exception of POTUS, then Piers Morgan. HE continually states,

    No one has given me a coherent argument as to why would citizens need an AR-15 or other assault rifles.

    G** d*mn it Piers, just the f**k up and listen. There have been plenty of coherent reasons given, you’re just too d**n busy interrupting people as they are talking to hear it…that and you just d*mn well don’t want to hear it. I wished I could go on Piers Morgan Live and debate him on the issue.
    1: What you call an assault rifle, AR15, is NOT by definition an assault rifle…it is NOT a automatic or select fire weapon and therefore doesn’t qualify as an assault rifle.
    2: The 2nd Amendment gives me the right to own a semi auto rifle, i.e. AR15; or even a select fire weapon, i.e. M16. It empowers me to defend this country from all threats foreign and domestic. And to stop tyranny from criminals or Government alike.

    Piers has also stated many times,

    If it came down to it, how do you expect to stand up against the US Armed forced? They have Machine guns, tanks, bombs, nukes?

    To that I say:
    That’s why I need my semi auto guns and my select fire guns. TO defend. I mean, just because we’re out numbered and overpowered doesn’t mean we should just lay down and be walked all over. Just because the odds are against us means, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t fight for our rights, beliefs and country.
    NOT, that I think our troops would stand against the American people (although it HAS happened http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kent_State_shootings). But, think of it this way. EVERY revolution in history has been a weaker force standing up to an overbearing stronger force. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn’t. The American Revolutionary war for example was a handful of farmers, tradesmen, laborers banding together to stand up against, the then, largest strongest army in the world. And they won. They then wrote the Constitution and Bill of Rights, to make sure, the people didn’t have to worry about an overbearing Government again.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 4 months ago by Lead Head Jerome. Reason: Spelling. Cursing
    in reply to: Question about FumbDucks #222
    Lead Head Jerome

    Speaking of Fumb Ducks…

    Have you heard that the editor of “Guns and Ammo” magazine, Dick Metcalf, has written an editorial for their December issue calling for gun control? He ridiculously compares the right to keep and bear arms with needing a license to drive an automobile. Please keep a look out for this editorial . . .

    in reply to: Jackwagon Train Candidates #221
    Lead Head Jerome

    Another nominee:

    Have you heard that the editor of “Guns and Ammo” magazine, Dick Metcalf, has written an editorial for their December issue calling for gun control? He ridiculously compares the right to keep and bear arms with needing a license to drive an automobile. Please keep a look out for this editorial . . .

    in reply to: Question about FumbDucks #217
    Lead Head Jerome

    SotFD, you gotta understand. The gun grabbers don’t care about facts. They don’t care about what the greatest majority of people do. They just want to make to unwashed masses (unknowable citizens) to believe what they say, so they’ll use any and all means to get a point across to the voters who don’t take the time to do their research.

    in reply to: GOODGUY of the Week (Win Free Stuff!) #208
    Lead Head Jerome

    Movie BS or Actually Viable?

    I saw a movie, where a guy used a drill bit and by hand drilled into the center of FMJ rounds; thus making them hollow points. Is this possible, or just made up movie BS?

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