Listener Feedback

LEADQUARTERS Forums Student Of The Gun Listener Feedback

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  • #115
    Lead Head Jerome

    Y’all running the SotG forum too?

    Student of the Gun

    Yessir they are. Official Launch is tomorrow! Tell everyone you know đŸ™‚

    Lead Head Jerome

    Jarred “On the Mark” Markel


    I really love the show! I listen to them all every week and watch the videos on the website. I was going through a couple airports with my “SOTG” shirt on and received some good responses. I hope I got you some new listeners. I’m really happy to see the forum is up and running. It will be cool to talk about the show with fellow listeners. Paul and Jared you two put together a quality product! Well done sirs!


    Awesome Kerry! Thanks for your support. We appreciate it. Be sure to stop by and thank our awesome sponsors if you get a chance. Here are links to their sites:

    Crossbreed Holsters | Kel-Tec Weapons | XS Sights


    I have one piece of technical feedback (for right now).
    When you guys upload two hours a week, the podcast app in iPhone loads them backwards, so it thinks hour 1 is more recent than hour two.

    Not a huge deal, but it always bugs me that it won’t play directly from one to the other because it thinks hour two is older. Maybe it’s just me, but it seems it would be caused by how they’re numbered or uploaded.

    As for content, I LOVE the show.


    Thank you for the feedback, Tom! We upload the first hour second so it will look uniform on the website but it may be more important to make it so they can play in order from any podcast app. Thanks for letting me know! We should be back to 2 hour shows in 2 weeks so stay tuned. Make sure you leave us a rating on iTunes if you have a moment. It would be greatly appreciated.


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