One of my favorites, is new to me. I love the author Robert B Parker, but all I’d ever known was his Western novels. When I came across a book of his with the same name of a movie, I had to check out the movie.
Jesse Stone: Night Passage (2006) Based on R. B. Parker’s first Jesse Stone book of the same name. Starring Tom Selleck, this film is about a Cop who is fired and moves cross country to take another job.
Selleck, being a member of the NRA, really makes sure this movie sticks to the rules of the gun game. He pulls his gun many times, and Never puts his finger on the triger until he has to pull it. Even pointing out, in the movie, to another officer to not just stand there and pull the trigger, but to movie; a technique I first heard from Rob Pincus.
I gave the movie a 7 out of 10
I gave the good gun exposure a 10 out of 10
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