GOODGUY of the Week (Win Free Stuff!)

LEADQUARTERS Forums Student Of The Gun GOODGUY of the Week (Win Free Stuff!)

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  • #629

    I would like to know what I am supposed to do when I am in my favorite coffee shop (carrying concealed of course) and some idiot comes in carrying an ar-15 at low ready.


    Recently my hometown, Louisville KY, made the national news for a large number of teenagers, some estimate over 200, running wild on the waterfront and downtown. 3 people were hospitalized from various assaults that were part of this incident. Some of these assaults involved over a dozen attackers at one time. Most of my training has involved 1-3 attackers in one general area. Do you have any recommendations on how to defend yourself against such a large number of attackers?


    This is a question that I’m sure we all deal with in one way or another…What is the best way to conceal my weapon when using a public bathroom? Exposing my firearm when my pants are dropped does not seem to be the best thing to do!


    I just listened to the podcast, thanks for the info!


    What do you guys think about concealing a CCW badge for a critical defense situation to maybe calm the public after publicly defending myself, would that maybe cause more legal conflict in the courts if something ever happened?


    If you live in a Slave State would it be better to have a featureless rifle or a standard pattern rifle with a bullet button. this rifle would be my only weapon and would be used for home protection or general protection


    I was considering purchasing the TP9 from Century Arms or a gun like it. It, like the CZ-75 (even the compact?) seems rather large to conceal carry for a smaller guy like me; however, it would be perfect for a home defense gun. Is it wrong to buy one handgun for home defense and a different handgun for outside-the-home self-defense? Thanks! Go good-guys, and go SOTG!


    Would you recommend waiting until taking formal training before carrying concealed (outside the home)?

    I bought my first concealed carry gun (M&P Shield). I have a Crossbreed Holster ordered. I’m researching training possibilities, but it looks like the earliest opportunity I would have to get training would be at least a month after I get my holster. Would you recommend I don’t carry until I get the training? I’m not a novice with firearms, but I have never had formal training. I have my concealed carry permit, but my state didn’t require any training to receive it.


    Dry Practice and Training Scars

    Is it a good idea to wait until after receiving professional training to begin a dry practice regimen? I don’t want to instill bad habits, and am saving towards some professional training, but that is a little ways off. If dry practice at this stage is a bad idea, what can I do in the meantime?



    When it comes to home protection and a bedside handgun, is it better to have the firearm in a bedside drawer for quicker access or in its own separate apparatus, such as a biometric safe? I could see pros and cons for both, what are your thoughts? Thanks.


    I usually carry my Kahr CM9 when in a non permissive environment when I need a little more concealment than my Glock 19 can offer. I liked the Kahr excempt for the long double action trigger, sometimes I would not let off enough to reset and have a dead trigger. I tried a M&P Shield and loved the way the trigger felt, meaning like any other striker fired gun. Nice short reset that I can feel and a decent trigger for a defensive gun. My only hold out is the fact that the Shield has a manual safety. I have no intention of using a manual safety but do you think this gun would be safe to carry without engaging the manual safety. So before I pick one up and set it up for carry I would like to know your thoughts on this.

    Greg Harris aka Mudcat


    OOps double tap.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 10 months ago by Mudcat. Reason: duplicate

    I don’t know if this has been asked I am new to guns and new to the forum. But I have just purchased my first pistol (HK USP Compact in .40 S&W)

    But my question is, for a AR platform what do you guys prefer the 223, 556 or the 308. I was thinking of saving up for one in 308 but I wanted to ask. (I don’t hunt so self defense home defense and range)

    Thanks guys!!! Great show!!!!

    Excuse grammar I went to public school


    I have many 223 magazines, and more for my numerous pistols. My question is do you need to unload the mags to ease the springs. When I was in the military we never stripped our mags unless the armory wanted to do an ammo count. And when I was a civilian policeman, we only did it when we went to the range to take out our duty ammo and load range ammo. Is stripping the ammo necessary for magazine maintenance?


    If you live in an quiet rural area where not much crime happens how do you keep up your alertness versus a high crime area?

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