GOODGUY of the Week (Win Free Stuff!)

LEADQUARTERS Forums Student Of The Gun GOODGUY of the Week (Win Free Stuff!)

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    I recently purchased and AR Pistol for home defense. I have an Aimpoint PRO on it and I would like to know what range you recommend for sighting the iron and red dots sights considering that it will be used for close quarters. Thank you and keep up the good work!

    P.S. Love my XS Big Dot sights on my G19!


    I’m considering purchasing a Springfield Armory XDS as a carry weapon for my new wife. (Old wife already has a defense system that repels men).

    During our discussion the subject of female friendly holsters and their practicality came up and we had a disagreement. We agreed the Professor would be the final arbitrator as to which one of us is right.

    We found the Flashbang bra holster by looper law enforcement and were both intrigued, me more than her.
    Professor Paul…. As a college professor having undoubtedly spent countless hours facing a multitude of college co-eds as they point towards the front of the class their eager minds hanging on your every word, AND knowing what you know about men and where our eyes wander while we listen reverently to whatever they’re saying…do you really think a bra holster is such a good idea? I mean really??
    I say, Isn’t that the first place we look? We would notice a firearm cuddled beneath the blouse almost immediately and make a move to disarm her before she even knows what happened?

    On the other hand, my wife says we men are easily hypnotized, like puppies waiting for a scooby snack, and will stop in our tracks as soon as we see her lifting her shirt not knowing she is about to to draw down. The flash we think we’ll be seeing is not the one we will ACTUALLY be seeing.

    We appreciate your adjudication of this important matter and ask you consider carefully before delivering your verdict as substantial bets have been placed by both sides and I stand to win big as soon as you agree with me.



    Thinking along the lines of communications for a Patriot Fire Team emergency type situation (SHTF, Natural Disaster, etc.) what are your recommendations? Knowing from past experiences that cell phone services get bogged or go down completely, would you recommend CB, FRE/GMRS radios, amateur radios, etc.?


    Hello Purple Penguins, I know that it is important to have an attorney on speed dial, but how do you feel about organizations like CCW Safe and US Law Shield? I am a proud member of HSLDA and the benefits have certainly paid off in regards to homeschooling, but I was just wondering if you know anything about these organizations or if you could recommend any others that are designed to protect the gun owner.


    Molon_labe, about the flashbang, my wife liked the idea, heck, I am a lucky guy, my bride could hide a MP-5, but that is besides the point.
    In the long run, she did not like the way it felt on her. I don’t think she gave it enough time but that was and is not my call to make.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by The22Man.

    My good guy of the week goes to Obama….

    SERIOUSLY glad to see he has completely changed his standpoint on gun control.
    He was with the less guns makes less crime crowd but…
    I just heard the news this morning that We are dropping small arms, ammo, and supplies by C-130 to the kurds so they can liberate themselves from ISIL.
    Stating it would be irresponsible if we didn’t.
    So kudos to you mister president! It would be horrible if the people over there didn’t have enough weapons and supplies to protect themselves from such nasty bad guys.
    So my question is when are they gonna air drop some weapons to the good people in Chicago or LA so they can liberate themselves?

    Would it be asking too much to spend the same amount (if not more) to provide weapons and training for the American people?
    This amazing effort overseas makes the Civilian Marksmanship Program seem a little outdated.
    Do we have to wait until they start shouting aloha snack bar and cutting off heads HERE in the good old USA, before they can allocate the funds?

    -Mark Wyman


    There are many thousands of people who suffer serious chronic pain that requires daily narcotic medication(s) to manage. Keeping in mind that any intoxication effects are minimal after a few months of treatment, what are the risks in concealed carrying for these people and what would you recommend they do?


    Whoa there Nelly…. Guys, just getting to Monday’s radio show and zeroing in on your calendar discussion. I’ll need to re-listen to last weeks segment to see if this is mentioned or not…..BUT……….why not a Hot Gals & Guys calendar instead??!!

    Okay, you’re a father and son team, I get that. But don’t ignore us ladies out here listening to the show, come on!

    I’ll suggest the following here, since I don’t do Facebook.

    How about a hot guy and a hot chick “together” for each month, or alternate months, a guy one month and a gal the next??

    Police officers, Fire Fighters, Service Men and Woman, the source for fit folks that know and appreciate weapons abound! How about Jarrad and Paul!?

    What do ya think?

    It’s not about playing fair, it’s about broadening your audience, or appreciating your entire audience. The extended month thing is a nice idea too. Good Luck


    How much wood could a Wood Chuck chuck if a Wood Chuck could chuck wood? Hey, you said first question.
    Anyway how would you consider the best caliber AR for TEOTWAWKI? 5.56 due to its comminality, 308 for “power”, 6.8 just cause, 6.5 Grendel… pick on and let me know why.


    how long is your living room? Matt Canovi of Canovi and Associates recommends 20 foot due to how close things are inside the typical house / apt.


    I would / out team does have all the above. We have the low end FRS to hand out to others. the higher end ones for yourselves. CB units and HAM radios, both handheld and base stations.
    FRS for the tam deployed, 1 with a HAM, base has a HAM to communicate. CB to communicate with other local Teams.
    HAMs also serve as longer and worldwide monitoring/communications.


    What are the steps to get into competitive shooting, once the standard handgun/rifle classes have been completed? I haven’t seen any ranges with classes other than the standards and I have no idea where to start if not a local range.


    My 17 year old daughter recently started working. Some nights she may be working until 12 o’clock or later. My question is, what type of defensive items, and classes would you recommend? With all the options for pepper spray, I wouldn’t know where to start, to ensure that she has the best one, the would have the stopping power needed to ward off an bad critters. Also would you recommend a flash light such as a Surefire Defender in case someone would get in close enough for that type of defense?


    Hi, my name is Jarod, and I’m a dot-chaser.

    I realized recently that I have trouble keeping tight groups on paper because as soon as I shoot a flyer , I end up chasing my hits around the paper trying to tighten the group again. I realized when I went to a plate shooting event recently when paper was replaced by steel that either fell, or didn’t, that I shot much better. Since shooting steel isn’t always an option, how would you recommend I work on this when shooting paper?


    Hey Mark,

    “Would it be asking too much to spend the same amount (if not more) to provide weapons and training for the American people?”

    Here in Oregon they want to start training “especially little boys” on the evils of guns and create legislation to back it.


    I like your idea infinitely better…………

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