My question is regarding home defense in a low-light altercation. I keep a Surefire light with my Glock for specifically this situation (seperate, not mounted on the gun) and was curious about training for use of the light in these circumstances. I’ve always planned on utilizing one hand for the light, the other for the gun, with the flashlight held away from the body in case of shots being fired toward the light itself. The problems I’m having with this are as follows:
1. Am I taking away from accuracy too much by only utilizing one hand on the weapon in the name of a risk that may not be substantial (that risk being someone shooting toward the light)?
2. If one deploys the light this way, is there a respected protocol for where to hold the light so as to minimize the chance of muzzle sweeping your own arm under stress and to be able to maneuver obstacles in your home?
3. Are there any type of documented instances that you know of that would sway you one way or the other on manual flashlight deployment vs. weapon mounted?
Thank you so much!