Favorite Guns & Gear/ Hardware Questions

LEADQUARTERS Forums Student Of The Gun Favorite Guns & Gear/ Hardware Questions

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  • #188

    Our Hardware Topic was stolen by some lawn gnomes so I created a new one. Tell us about your favorite guns, gear, hardware, etc. What are your EDC items? If you have any questions about guns, gear, and hardware…this is the place to ask. Thank you all for being Students of the Gun!

    Craig Sullivan


    When carrying your primary weapon, a spare magazine or spare magazines along with a back-up weapon (which is usually of a different caliber), do you carry spare magazines for the back up a well? What would be considered best practice in this scenario?



    We usually have a primary with 1 extra mag and then a secondary weapon. If you have the room on your person…the more ammo, the better đŸ™‚


    I need to take a look at what I carry. I travel to a state where I am not able to be legally armed. Any suggestions on additional equipment (brand wise)? Perhaps a good fighting knife and pepper spray is good?


    I have a question about Froglube.
    I cleaned the weapons thoughrly as described.
    After I applied it on my CCW pistol and bolt weapon, I fired them.
    It has been enough rounds through each I normally would clean them, the question is with Froglube, how?
    Do I run the solvent the same as I would have with Hoppes #9 and then the CLP as I would have with Butches Gun Oil?
    Do I just use the CLP?
    The instructions seem to say to use the Solvent then the CLP, however does that not defeat the purpose of the CLP “penetrating” the metal?

    Also, I used the CLP inside my barrels, my groups doubled in size. Could have been me, it was a clear day, no wind, cool (high 70’s), could not have been any better for shooting. I only checked at 100 and 200 yards with the rifle. The pistol I did not really notice until 25, 35 and 45 yards (these shots also moved to the left, maybe grip?)

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