Yessss we know its late but we have been busy Lead Heads lately. Never fear Dax Bruner is here to get these guys squared away……or
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TLP 095 – The Big Buildup of 2 Hunts for the Big Let Down
Well…..we were going to do the show on a deer hunt. Then Lefthand was going to go on a man hunt…..and …..well…..youll see.
TLP 094 – Keepin Em Closer with the ASP
We have Alex from Asymmetric Technologies to speak with us about the ASP system, the advanced shoulder pocket. We also bring up our newest surprise
TLP 093 – Conspiring and Bowhunting
We have our Friend Adam from Orions kin stop back by to talk bowhunting.
TLP 092 – Honesty is the Best Policy…..Even on the Crapper
We have Darrell from Tactical Existence on to talk about new media honesty and the Remington R 51 debacle. Then we have a new segment
TLP 091 – How to Kill a Monster
We have some light hearted fun on halloween and talk about our most scary movies then talk about the best weapons to kill or stop
TLP 090 – Range Day Recap and Different Styles
The guys have Aaron Cowan on from Sage Dynamics again to talk about the stuff they got to shoot at the Iraqveteran8888 YouTube shoot. Then
TLP 089 – Vince the Algorithm King
We have Vince Buckles on the show from Mesa Kinetic Research. After we discuss what an algorithm is we get to talk some AK stuff,
TLP 088 – Tshirts and Testicles
This is the long awaited judging of our Tshirt contest for the 2vets arms Bravo Rifle……..and the Winner issssss……well you have to listen to find
TLP 087 – Talking Lead the Musical…….OK Not Really
We have a special musical guest from YouTube gun song notoriety on the show. None other than tactimusic (yeah i just made that up) innovator